Access Keys

We have included access keys on the main navigation of this website to help users to access content more quickly and to aid motor impaired users who are unable to use a mouse.

The access keys work on a simlar basis to what you may have come across before, for example in Microsoft Word or Excel. Many people have used shortcuts in these types of applications such as 'Ctrl + S' to quick save a document or 'Ctrl + O' to open a document.

Access Keys work on the very same basis except for two differences:

  1. 1. You need to press and hold the Alt key on the keyboard and a letter rather than 'Ctrl'.
  2. 2. You need to press 'Enter' or 'Return' once you have press the shortcut / access key you want.

Sounds simple? It is! We have provided a list of the access keys and the pages they link to below:

  1. Home Page = 'Alt + a'
  2. About our Town = 'Alt + b'
  3. Bourne History = 'Alt + c'
  4. Bourne Gallery = 'Alt + d'
  5. How to Find us = 'Alt + e'
  6. Demographics = 'Alt + f'
  7. General Information = 'Alt + g'
  8. Exploring Bourne = 'Alt + h'
  9. Haunted Bourne = 'Alt + i'
  10. Bourne Climate = 'Alt + j'
  11. Support Bourne = 'Alt + k'
  12. Bourne Community = 'Alt + l'
  13. Business Directory = 'Alt + m'
  14. Places to Stay = 'Alt + p'
  15. Food and Drink = 'Alt + q'
  16. Things to Do = 'Alt + r'
  17. Property = 'Alt + s'
  18. Leisure and Entertainment = 'Alt + t'
  19. Services = 'Alt + u'
  20. Local Jobs = 'Alt + v'
  21. Local Events = 'Alt + x'
  22. Access Keys = 'Alt + 1'
  23. Accessibility = 'Alt + 2'
  24. Customise = 'Alt + 3'
  25. Privacy Policy = 'Alt + 4'

Remember to press 'ENTER' after pressing your shortcut!

  1. Accessibilty
  2. Customise
  3. Privacy Policy
  4. Sitemap